Hey! I don't have much time (sorry) but we're going to chat for an hour the 24th, hope that's ok with you all.
This week was awesome! But hard.
Yesterday, with 2 families together, we sang like 6 Christmas songs. I love to sing now, more than ever I suppose. But after that, we got a text that one of our investigators tried to kill himself, by cutting his wrists. Maybe we're not the best missionaries, ha. No, satan is powerful, as is alcohol. We brought him to the hospital, and he's a little better now. The bishop helped us a lot too.
Dad, I'm not really struggling for answers now, but in the moment, how, or what do you say to someone in that situation? I know you've been there before. You told me a story about a call that you received about 3 or 4 years ago, and a lady wanted to do the same.
I tell this story not to freak you out or to scare you. Claudio's a little better. I thought you might want a letter a little less boring really. And I didn't have much time.
Ha. Well I love you all.
Jesus is our Savior. The church is true. Focus on what is in front of you, in the moment, in your day, and make it the best it can be.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
December 10, 2012
Well we had a great week! Clara Estrella is really great! We just got a new bishop, Obispo Florés! He´s a freaking boss, ha! The ward is really awesome, and big. There are more members, more records, more young men and women, and the boundrais are like 4 times bigger. Geographically, its jolly, good, and honestly the same. It´s only like 4+- miles away from where I was before.
I´ve really come to love to study the gospel. PME, LDM, La Biblia, everything. It really is an ongoing, seemingly never ending process of learning. There is sooo soo much to learn in this world, especially the gospel. But I challenge all of you to make a little time to study, take out something, and work on applying it everyday. I remember when I was 14, 15,16, I read the LDM, but not very well. I read to read, and not much more. Which isn´t terrible, but read to come to know Jesus, to feel the spirit, to apply something, to help someone. Read and visulize what you read.
Wednesday, I believe, We were walking, we talked to this old guy, and left. After, We knocked a door close by but as we were doing it the old guy who we had just contacted fainted! Well, he hit his head and had a big goose egg, but he was okay and after a bit his family came and rescued him. But during all of this the lady who's door we knocked before came out and helped us with the old guy, her name is Edith! Well turns out after all this, we´ve now taught her 2 times. She´s super awesome, and actually asked to come to church! She wanted to know what it was like there! She couldn´t come this week, had something, but next week she´ll be there.
Also we´re working with someone named Johnny, he´s like 21. He hadn´t come to church before, and when we called him saturday about church sunday, he said he couldn´t, for something he had. Elder manzano told him "well ok, but really, ultimatley your going to have to show your faith to the lord." Sunday, he surprised us all and came to church, and actually, at the end, he didn´t want to leave. He plays the piano, and was playing there until it was time to close!
Hey! Im going to skype the 24th at 10 am your time, 2 pm my time. Think up some funny questions, funny stuff. I´ll do the same.
Brighton! Thanks for the pic of steve, it was sweet. Send some more! And with the packages, thanks so much. We eat really well here, but I always appreciate everything you send me. Material things are sometimes better, although they may be random or a few. Like socks, or a pen, or a watch, or a tie, or a photo.
Tell Sister Dahl and Brother Sparks, and their classes, thanks for the letters! Eventually, ha, Im going to send them a sweet letter! and Dad, tell Grandma and Grandpa Tasso thanks for the letters as well.
Dear Grandma and Grandpa Ahlborn! I got your package, it was really awesome, thanks so much! We need emergency funds here, (obviously, I suppose) and a lot of that stuff is perfect for that. Also, for eating now. I actually got it like 4 weeks ago, I´ve just forgotten to write sooner. But thanks so much! How are all you? Are you living in your house in utah now?
This week Im going to give thanks, and work on giving thanks. Also, to look for miracles. Do the same, ya??! It´s a challenge!
Andrew and Alivia! Your both awesome!
I know that the mission is so vital to our futures and the futures of our family, and not just when we´re young and limber, but all of our lives! Missionary work is the life blood of the Church. It is the greatest tool we have to also help the members reach their potential.
I know that Jesus is my savior, that the BOM is the word of God. That we will live with God again, through the plan of salvacion. The church really is true.
I love you all and merry christmas!
Elder Tasso!
Monday, December 3, 2012
December 3, 2012
Hey everyone! Hope you are all well!
Well first off, I got transferred! That is to say that I bid farewell to El Parron, and embraced my new sector of Ochagavia, Clara Estrella. I must say, it was hard to leave El Parron, and I can´t imagine how hard it will be too come home in 1.5 years. The ward there is really awesome, the people, the members, everything. But also I felt it was time to go, as did the Lord. Bittersweet. But Clara Estrella seems pretty awesome! Physically, it´s like El Parron, and actually not too far.
My new comp. is Elder Manzano de Mendosa, Argentina. I'm seriously excited to work with him! He´s a great missionary, really wants to work, and seems to really love the people. He likes to repair things, he´s going to weld professionally, and likes to work out and eat healthy! That should be good, I´ve been wanting to do a little better there.
This week I memorized Mathew 11: 28-30. I feel so blessed to be able to serve in the mission, which could potentially, to an outsider's point of view could sound weird. But of course, we know that not only is the mission a commmandment, but a huge huge blessing, for those we serve and for ourselves, and our families and future families. And to be honest, doing the Lord´s will only brings what you truly want and need, although at the time you may not realize it. I look at how I was when I arrived in the mtc, El parron, etc. , and how I am now, and am so grateful for what the Lord has done for me. Lose yourself in the service of others, do something nice for someone, just act, do it for Jesus. Analyze how you feel, and if it was good in anyway at all, repeat the action. As the scripture says, we´ll find peace, happiness, and eternal life in these things.
I read about the strippling warriors this week. In Alma 56: 7-8, the parents are about to break a convenant, a promise that they made with God, becuase they needed to fight. But Helaman didn´t let them, and they put their trust in the Lord. They had their afflictions, the same with the people of Ammon in Mosiah 24: 13-15. Every day, we are in some way like these people. We´ve made covenants with God, that actually, we cannot fulfill by ourselves when the affliciones come, and they do come. But in both of these stories, the people persevere with faith. The pray to God to help them, and then go forward. God doesn´t take away our affliciones, but he strengthens us so that we can overcome them. In the case in Alma, the solicione were the 2000 warriors, and ultimately, for their parents choice to trust in God and keep their covenants, they were blessed with the opportunity to do what they did, and how great were their testimonies, their expericnes, and more fully their conversiones because of that chance that they had! God will always help us, and strengthen us through our trials. In all things. This week, When it gets hard for me, when I'm tired or hungry, I'm going to do my best, to concentrate on helping the people. In listening to them, and doing my best to love them as Jesus would. And I know that I will see miracles from this according to my faith and diligence. I guess this is the easy part, to type it. But next week I´ll write about an experience that we had.
Do the same in your lives. When you have a trial, trust in the lord, act with faith, turn outward in the service of others, and great will be your joy.
I love you all! Thanks for the letters and such!
Elder Tasso
Ps, I heard some Beatle´s songs today, they made me happy. Also I put up a bunch of photos, the most recent of which is my companion Elder Manzano.
Monday, November 26, 2012
November 26, 2012
Buenas Tardes Familia!
Well Happy Thanksgiving, sounds like you had a great great time! And also, never fear to tell me about your cool adventures. I have fun listening to the things you do, as I'm sure you all do to mine.
We´ve seen a big change in our ward. I feel like a small margin of the members in Chile are really converted. Many are great members, and have strong testimonies, but really aren´t converted, because they lack knowledge of Doctrines, and only do the applications. For example, Home teaching, as a number, to offer a prayer, turn in an enforme, but not really to Care for the Sheep of the Lord. Well, I feel like that really is changing, like our ward is getting stronger and stronger.
Estefani and Anna, and their families are doing well. They have baptismial dates the 15th, which they should complete. They still have a little ways to go, but can achieve that. Yesterday night, we taught some new investigators, Hector, Esteban, and Hilda. Hector´s a funny guy, actually is a member but inactive, but Esteban and Hilda aren´t. He loves music, is bald with long greasy hair, super nice, smart, and funny. He wears these hawaiin shirts that are like XXL. Well they´re really awesome, and Hilda especially, has a lot of real intent.
Hey I uploaded a bunch of photos, check them out! I don´t have that much time. Today, we went on an adventure! We hiked a hill in Santiago, but got lost and took a dusty adventure way. It was sweet.
Dad, this week I memorized D&C 43:34 with D&C 6: 36. Send me some pics of skiing!!
I love you all so much! I know that Jesus lives, that God is our heavenly father. That we can learn of Jesus, and come to know him, through reading, pondering, and praying about the revelation that we have. BOM, Liahonas, etc. I know that President Monson is a prophet of God, and that Joseph Smith was an instrument in God´s hands, like we all are. I testify of the truth of the atonement, and of the plan of salvation. These things are true, share them with everyone you can. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Elder Tasso
Monday, November 19, 2012
November 19, 2012 Familia en quien estoy muy complacido!!!!
Well we had an awesome week!
Elder Camus and are having a grand time here in Chile!. Things are awesome- The ward is doing better, there is more spirit of missionary work, and will only continue to improve rapidly. We´ve found some good new investigators through visiting the members. There are a lot of non member 100 percent families here, and there are people waiting for us. Also, their friends, their neighbors, etc.
Juan got the priesthood sunday, that was awesome. I really am so pumped for him, he´s such a boss. Like we´re doing with all the members here, we´re teaching them a little better how they can share the gospel. Well I think most of the other members are more calculative, think a little more, and honestly more scared to do it. But Juan just talks with all his colleagues at work, it´s awesome. He really loves the gospel, and it makes me so happy to see him where he is. This is the same guy who I told you about 2 months ago, who has had a super crazy life, was almost killed, jumped, drugs, etc. The gospel changes lives.
I may only have 2 more weeks left here in El Parrón. We´ll see if I get changed.
Have fun down in southern utah for thanksgiving!
Mom- Well what have you been up to?? When´s Brighton opening? Send me some pics, do some turns for me! And also, I guess Hyrum is trying out for ODP right? Really Really good idea! Elder Watson´s little brother did the same, and he loves it! He plays for them now, and sounds a lot like Hyrum, scores a lot, etc. It´s obviously very high level, and competetive, and organized. Good things though, don´t get too stressed out, it´ll be good for Hyrum. I love you! Thanks for being such a good, caring, fun mom for the family!
Dad- I memorized 2 Nephi 2 13. This week, I´ve yet to decide. Congrats with your studies! How are your business? You really are facitlitating and managaging something very cool. Helping people over come the natural man, and although they may not know it, come unto Christ. Mosiah 2:19. In relation to your study of the gospels and the character of christ, we listened to a really good talk by Elder Bednar about this. I just googled some key words, and actually this isn´t the exact talk, but the essentials should be here. Feel free to scan it. Thanks for all that you do, for supporting me, much more than just financially in my mission!
Tyler- Thanks for your letter! Im going to write you next week, about an experience that I have THIS week, about going the extra mile. Your the best brother in town! And pretty darn smart too.
Anna- What´d you do this week? Help those around feel how awesome the gospel is also. There can be a lot of culture at LP of the gospel not being ¨cool¨. Well really, not just at LP. Make it cool, and support those who don´t have as much confidence or testimony as you do!
Hyrum- Hey congrats for trying out for ODP, sounds kind of hard honestly! But really, I know that you can make it! Do your best, your easily one of the best players there, just have fun, and eat some grass. And kick some goals.
Benny- How´d you get so awesome? Hey congrats at your futsal game! Keep helping your mom and dad!
Stevey- Whos´s your best friend right now?? How´s kindergarten? Are you excitied to go skiing??
Jesus is the Christ, he lives! These things are real! God hears and answers our prayers! This church is the church of christ on the earth! The book of mormon is the word of God! Thomas Monson is the prophet. And..... Alma 32 27. Ask for yourselves, again and again.
Te amo familia! Dos brazos!
Elder Tasso
ps. Who´s excited for the world to end in one month??!! And I'm crossing my fingers for the package. Should come prrrrronto!!!!
Monday, November 12, 2012
November 12, 2012
Howdy Howdy!!
Well we really had a great week! I really am learning a ton on my mission- about the gospel, the scriptures, spanish, how to talk to people, how to listen, to serve, etc. etc. etc!!! The mission really is vital for our future, that is, given that your a male ha. It´s also not just a 2 year work. It´s for life, I don´t know if you remember Elder Uchtdorf´s talk about the apostles, missionary work, and their experiences with returing to fish, and initially not the missionary work, after the saviors death. If you love me, then feed my sheep, says the savior. And we feed HIS sheep by sharing the gospel. We have the opportunity to serve the mission for 2 set, driven years, but after the work never stops. We are all called to share the gospel- with friends, neighbors, family, whoever we can- and to serve in the church, our callings, etc. This type of service- to help people come unto christ, is what brings the most happiness! And after this life, in the spirit world, guess what we´re going to keep doing??! Missionary work! Moses 1¨39, Alma 26, Conference talk of Elder Uchtdorf.
Really grand experience- This week in the morning, I was doing frog jumps for part of my absolutely huge morning exercise. Well I did them with my church pants on, and I ripped a huge hole in the bottom. It was pretty darn funny! Should have been there. But there´s an abuelita in our ward who has actually sewed for my before, and she can fix them so have no fear.
As we´re involving the members a lot more in the missioary work, we´re trying to teach more about acting BY faith. In their context, they might want to share the gospel, or have friends who might be interested, but at times really don´t know how, or what to say, or what to do, or how to share their testimonies, or stories, etc. So we´re helping them a wee tad there. But relative to faith, many times we have these fleeting thoughts in our heads- things that would be good to do, or things we want to say, etc. Whether it be share our testimony in sacrament meeting, say something nice to a friend, say hi to someone, etc. But many times, we doubt ourselves and succomb to the natural man. But we have a promise, that ultimately, things will turn out well, when we ACT. We almost never know 100% what we will do or say, but we when act, and trust in God, we our instruments in his hands. Now for me, this usually manifests itself in the form of opening my mouth. For a contact, or to say something in a lesson- and guess what? It´s the truth! It really does turn out well. So trust in God, have faith, act, and be an instrument in his hands! The times I haven´t acted, I regret. Eter 12¨6, Moses 6¨32, Helaman 10-5, Alma 13-24.
As I think you all knew, Elder Camús and I had some difficulties in the first 4-5 weeks togethor. I remember initially how right I really felt! And actually, from my perspective, I was right, or doing the right thing, 80% of the time. But now, looking back from where we are now (much much better), I realize that I was doing a lot of things that were wrong, or weren´t effective or smart. Until that point, and from my perspective, they were good, and they were right. But as we´ve taught and grown and accepted eachother now, I realize that it really wasn´t so one sided. Really, change is hard, and people can be very different. But the fastest way to have unity is to forget yourself and go to work serving and accepting them. Moroni 7¨45 talks a bit about this- about charity. Study the words of this scripture (Im grateful for spanish here, because it´s forced me to study at times, every word. To read much less, and think much more, and I get a lot more out of the scripture), and you´ll see that it says nothing about who really is right, or most logical, etc. Love and accept and serve all, the best we can.
Well, Elder Camús is a freaking boss, he´s super smart, really knows the scriptures well, AND speaks really good spanish ha! But most of all, he understand doctrines, and not just applications, and knows how to really address what the investigator needs and help them. I´ve learned a lot from him. He´s totally going to get married his first 2 weeks back. He´s 23 now, and has a girlfriend waiting for him there. We make a lot of jokes about that.
Anna, Efesfani, and the familia Hernandez are doing really well! We´re teaching little by little the dad, and shared a prayed with the brother. We´ve also had some success teaching family members of familys from the ward- those who aren´t members, inactives, etc.
Dad- I memorized this week, Alma 25-26, thanks for the advice! Need to choose a new one. Atlanta sounds sweet! Your the coolest Dad in town! You take care of the family and your business really well!
Mom- Love you 10 million! Ha, your awesome, and yes I remember the picture in my room. Do some turns for me! Your the most athletic mom I know!
Tyler- I think too much, stress too much, etc. I think ahead to where we ¨should¨ be, or overwhelm myslef with whatever slew of things. I´ve actually tried meditative breathing (don´t know the name, I take 10 big breaths, nothing too special). It helps! But actually I´ve gotten a lot better since the beginning, at having fun, at relaxing, at enjoying my mission and where I am. O´ course I still got a little ways to go. Thanks for the letter! Don´t get married! Your a great sledder!
Anna- Highschool- it goes fast. Enjoy and be comfortable with yourself now. You my favorite sister in the world! I love you a million! What´s the coolest thing you did in the last week! Do you realize how awesome you are?! I want to hear your ballin´ french!
Hyrum- Do you realize how smart you are Hyrum?! Your really smart! Good job with futsal and soccer! And reading and school and stuff! I think you got a big brain! Love you brothers and your mom!
Benny- Hey have you thought about where you want to play college soccer Benny?! How many offers have you recieved?! Ha, love you a million, take care of your brothers, sister, and mom and dad for me! You are Pele!
Stevey-Who´s your best friend? I liked the picture of you on the carpet with the blocks! Your the bravest manly man I know steve!
Ps, you guys should watch some of the mormon.org youtube videos- they´re rad!
Cio, Un Brazo!
Elder Tasso
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
November 5, 2012 Una Semana Nuevo!
Wassuppp Fam!!
We really had a great week, some stuff that happened, lets see lets see.
Juan and his family are doing really well. His family was inactive before, but actually what's funny is that they didn´t really think so (they live all the commandments stilll...), but more of them are coming to church which is awesome. He´s hilarious because he´s this little (ish) Chilean guy who smiles a ton, and is always super happy. He´s even a little bit elf-like, not like the Lord of the Rings though. Also, his cousin Clarita, she loves to knit and has these funny glasses. She looks a little bit like Professor Trewalny from Harry Potter at times. Also, I'm not sure if it´s caused by a type of Lung defect or something, (I don´t think so, it´s not very serious), but every now and again, in our lessons, she takes a HUGE sudden breath, like she´s been holding her breath for some reason. They´re all progressing well!
The Family Hernandez (Estefani, Anna, etc.) is also doing super well! Estefani is firm for her baptismal date for the 15th of December, and actually her mom now, Anna, too! Yesterday we watched the Joseph Smith movie with them , the 1 hour one, and Anna said at the end, "I'm really starting to think that this church is true." All her life she´s been Catholic, and pretty firmly Catholic, so this is actually a really big step for her- for everyone actually. Also the ward is befriending them pretty darn well. In time, all of the family will be able to accept the gospel. The girls already love primary, but the Dad and Brother, Both named Sergio, have yet to listen.
This week, we were reparing a roof of a member, because it leaked a lot when it rained. Well turns out, you can only put your feet in certain parts of the roof here in Chile, between the beams! The rest is unstable. I was bringing some soda to one of the members in our ward who was helping, and stepped in between the beams. Well, lets just say not very much soda made it to the Hermano! My leg fell through the roof, but don´t worry, I caught myself. But there was a big hole in the members roof for a while.
Me and Elder Camús last night passed a bunch of people waiting in line to buy bread. Just after we passed them, we thought that hey we should go contact them all. We did, but it was sweet becuase we pretty much preached to them, like in the Book of Mormon. Tyler, I can imagine it was like your experience a little bit in the bus. We just made an announcement and shared our testimonies and talked about Jesus a little, and really, it was a lot of fun! Ballin!
Like I said, we´re working a lot more with the wards now- to strengthen them, and to get the involved in the missionary work. Because really, missionary work, sharing the gospel, is what strenghtens us as a church and as individuals. It´s sweet, we´ve still got a lot to learn but are doing a little better!
Tyler- Ha, your comments always seem very poinietent to my situacion. A lot of times I concentrate on doing EVERYTHING in general, and then I do less really well. I think about the time, that we´re late, that we need to call this person, during a visit with a person, that I don´t give them the attention they deserve. Do we need to do those things? Of course! But it doesn´t do me any good to multi-task myself to death. I´ve also been working a lot on slowing down, and concentrating on the person in front of me, or the task, or whatever it is. Also on just enjoying and thinking positively on whatever.
Dad- I actually did that for a couple of weeks, but stopped. I'm going to pick it up again I think. We as humans are always going to have little bits of down-time, and how we use that, really really can add up. Thanks!!! The funny thing is, I think I´ve heard you say that about your business 20 times now over the years! I suppose we will NEVER stop learning, it´d be boring if we didn´t, eh? But awesome. Keep me informed about how your busineess are, it´s interesting.
Mom- Your the best!! Brighton will be super awesome, and actually perfect, becuase with night skiing, like you said, you can saunder up to the mountain without missing a whole day of school! Yay! That´s super awesome about Andrew and everyone! And ya, I´ve heard Viña is really pretty, I´ve got a bunch of friends from the MTC there right now. Also theres a national park here that I saw some pictures of, that looks a little bit like Utah, or Oregon. With lakes, mountains, forest, etc.
Kids and Faces- Love you all! Tell me more about school, good job with soccer everyone! And have fun skiing!
Elder Camús loves Metallica, and a Metallica song just came on the intercom on the interenet café, where we are. We both got pretty excited. Do I even like Metallica??
The church is TRUEEE!!!!! There is power in testimony. Like Bishop Egan always said, thank-amonies, stories, are good and stuff, but they are not testimonies. Bear and Share short powerful testimonies, of the things you know that are true, of doctrines, and watch and feel for the difference in the room. I testify that Jesus Christ is my savior and lives today. I testify that we can recieve a remission of our sins, be forgiven, repent, and change becuase of his sacrifice for us. This vital process allows God to come into our lives. I know that we can receive revelation today from God. I know that in times past, Joseph smith was a prophet of God, and today, that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God. Also, I testify to the reality of the plan of salvation! It really is all true, what other worthwhile alternative would there be for us here?!? The Book of Mormon, IS the word of God. The church is true. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I already feel the spirit more in my life. Share something little from the Gospel everyday--with eachother, with a friend, or a collegue. Pray and look for opportunites, and don´t be scared!!!!!!!! Service, advice, knowledge, perspective, etc.
Un Brazo,
Elder Tasso!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
October 29, 2012
What's Up!!! How´s it going??!!
Well we had an awesome week! Always chaotic, always unexpected experiences, but always really good!!
Juanito´s confirmation was super sick! Elder Camús offered the blessing, which actually was a good thing, I would have been pretty nervous. BUT, not important. The spirit was super strong, I felt like I was having a heart attack almost a little bit. I hope that's a good thing. After, Juanito asked me, "is it normal to feel this warm?!" I thought that was pretty cool.
We´re working a lot with the members now. We´ve got a new plan about how to work here in the mission, and it revolves pretty completely around the members, that is, working with them, and working with their friends and references. The thing is, here in Chile, there are a TON of members, but there are equally a TON of inactivs and such. Firstly, It´s great to baptize, but if the members aren´t going to retain the bonds of these people, theres not much sense, right? Sadly, it´s happened a lot here. Also, all of those inactive people need help too. And there´s a lot here.
It centers around helping the members act for themselves and get involved in the missionary work. For example, we are all agents. We have the power to act. And when we choose to act with faith, we allow the spirit to teach us. Lots of times, as missionaries, we treat members, or investigtors, or whovever like objects in front of us, not like agents for themsleves. Because of that, we end us teaching ourseslves in a sense, not them. We repeat the lessons to ourselves, and don´t allow them to recieve their own revelation, or as much. Maybe I'm not making very much sense. We´ve got to help them experience the joy that comes from knowing, living, and sharing the gospel.
Stephanie, and her mom, Anna (funny stuff, ehhhhh????) are both killing it. We set a firm date with stephanie yesterday, becuase she recieved her answer. She prayed a felt really calm, and peaceful. Her mom should also have an answer any day now, she just hasn´t found a quiet moment yet to pray. Also, they´ve got a bunch of kids, and although, right now, the dad or the brother aren´t interested, a lot of the kids are.
Thanks for the letters about Billy, and Eric, sounds like he´s got an awesome new area, and everyone! Adam also, thanks for the letter. Also again, thanks for the packages and letters everyone. Fam, yours was awesome, and Grandma, Grandpa, and Heidi, yours too was super ballin! Thanks for the socks especially! I'm curious why yours came so darn quickly!
I read this morning in Mosiah 20, 21, 22 about Limhi, his people, and their afflictions, and how although difficult, his people were strenghted, and brought towards God through their afflictions. Don´t despair about problems fam, don´t get caught up in those things! This life is a test and will be hard. But afflictions and such things, bring us closer to God, IF we allow that. If we humble oursleves. Then we repent and strenghten ourselves a new, through the commandments and such, and therefore we prosper in Christ. 2 Cor. 12:10.
The mission is awesome, the church is true. It´s hard, and I beat myself up a lot for little things. Things that I do, or things that I have no control over. But I´ve been working on focusing on what or who is in front of me more, in enjoying the moment and slowing down, and not being so rushed and crazy all the time. It´s helped. Also, it´s funny but I realized that I´m never going to be perfect. Or my comp. Or the investigatores, or the situation. Such is this world, and such is The Fall. I need to accept that, still do my very very best, but accept it and repent and forget about it and move on when I fail. Mosiah 3:19.
Tyler- Thanks for the tip! I can defintely make my teaching more comprehinsible, more exciting, more real, more tangible. Sometimes it´s pretty good, I get into it and animated. But sometimes it sufferes and I just say phrases.
Mom- I love you a million, utah, sounds really pretty right now. You excited to go skiing??? Some of our invest. saw my snowboard movies and my facebook with stevey and hyrum and benny and thought it was really awesome.
Dad- Juanito is working less now, should be able to teach with him a little more, thanks for the tip. Glad to hear about work, and the temple, and the connection there. Man, I´ll prob get to go to the temple only 2ish times in my mission, and it makes me miss it. I want to go pretty bad.
Stevey- Your letter was the coolest!!! I guess you´re not scared of ralphie anymore eh?! I remember when you were scared of doggies. You´d like Santiago, ha.
Anna, Benny, Hyrum!- Your pictures from arches were the coolest!!!! I love you all, benny your hair is super white. Hyrum, still orange! And Anna, still a ninja.
Where are you guys skiing this year??
Yours truly, and going to take a cold shower (it´s getting hooottteerr),
Elder Tasso
p.s. A lot of these words sound really weird in English.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
October 22, 2012
Another week already??! I hope that yours was all as good as mine!
A couple things happened this week!
Elder Bednar spoke to us friday! It was with several other missions. Also David Archuletta sang "Im trying to be like Jesus," but of course in spanish. The song was really simple, but beautful, the spirit was really strong, I almost cried.
According to some of the things that Elder Bednar said I'm going to change some stuff. Really, if we listen, then discern, observe, and ask inspired, real questions to our investigatores, they have the capacity to respond for themselves. They can open their hearts to recive their own revelation, and be agents for themsleves Mosiah 12:27. Not simply objects, that understand our teachings, but aren´t ready to continue the model of recieving their own revelation, independent of us. For that, maybe our lessons won´t have as much immediate structure. But if we do the above model, and have faith in the Lord that we will recieve the words to say, and open our mouths, they will be edified. The same things happened to Nephi in 1 Nefi 4: 6.
Me and my comp taught a couple lessons, applying this. The spirit was especially strong, and I'm hoping, and thinking that it really clicked for them. Its really just a way to teach better, and more FOR the investigator. Not making them an object, but an agent, ready to think and recieve for themselves. Its also a lot harder to teach like this, I´ve got a ways to go, but it´s coming. Family, think of how you can apply this. Benny, Hyrum, Anna, when you read the scriptures, are you really looking, asking, expecting to recieve revelation?? Or just reading? I did that for wayyyyyy too long. Don´t do it. You all have the gift of the Holy Ghost and are entitled to recieve revelation for yourselves.
Also I realized at times I expect too much out of my actions alone. My obediance, my efforts, my diligence, etc. But in reality, ultimately it´s up to the people to open their hearts to recieve these things. We do all of those things so we can be in the right place at the right time, so when we do meet these people, we can share the spirit with them, and they can recive it for themselves. It´s ballin.
He also talked a lot about unity, and the importance to have unity, in the family, or in a companionship. For example , the end of 1 nefi 7, 21-22, through their struggles, Nephi´s family is united. They then, in chapter 8, recieve the vision of the tree of life. For us to recive revelation, we need to have unity. Think of the impact of the vision in 8, all because they were finally united. My companion and I are balllers, and best pals. We´ve got our challenges, we´ve had a lot, but they really can, and will, be behind us. I´ve actually been using the,"Eye of Faith," or Dad and Tyler, like you talked about, Visualization. The things we think about happen. Think about and visualize the good, and it will happen.
Also, Juanito got baptized! It was pretty neat, short, and simple. This week we´re going to contact and find some new awesome people, because we need to! We´re seeing huge changes in the Familia Barra, they´re becoming a huge strength. The ward is doing better, attendence is up!
Congratulations on everything with soccer! Benny your goal sheet was super sweet. Your hair is awesome also. You all ate chicken hearts at Tucanos right?? Hyrum how is 6th grade?? Anna you're the coolest. Thanks for the outdoor update mom, Im excited to go on adventures when I get back, and thanks for the letter! Dad love you lots too.
Also!!! I got your packages!! Thanks so much, it was awesome, and Tyler, your letter. If you guys want to write me, Dear Elder is always a quick good, tangible option. Also thanks for the letter from Grandma susie and Grandma Debbie, I always enjoy those. Also, Grandma Susie, Grandpa Jim, and Heidi, I got your package!!! It was awesome, I'm putting a bunch of beef jerky in my emergency fund, it´s perfect for that. Speaking of which, last week there was a earthquake here, it was little though, a 5.7 But it lasted like 20 seconds, and was pretty awesome!!! The chileans didn´t get tooo excited though, they´re used to bigger, ha.
Love you all!!
Elder Tasso
Friday, October 19, 2012
October 15, 2012
Hey Everyone!!! You're Awesome!
Well I had a pretty good week. Juanito will be baptized next week, he´s awesome and I'm excited for him. Estefani will be baptized but we moved her date to the 8th of diciembre, with 2 others. We also found some good people this week, Diego, Im excited to meet with him, and Javier and his family.
The mission is good. We´ve had some challenges, personally, in our zone, with the members, but I'm really learning how to overcome and work through those things. One thing I really want to improve is my personal happiness, confindence, etc. It really can be hard to always keep your head up in the mission, when so many people are expecting so much of you. But really, as Elder Uchtdorf said, we can be personally happy and confident in any situation. Its a choice. At times, I need to slow down, find the joy in a situation, and concentrate in the person in front of me, in loving and serving them, and those around me- in sharing what I know to the best of my abilities.
Today was P Day, we played some futbol with some other Elders and members, it was sunny, warm, and beautiful.
Tyler- As always, thanks for your letter! It seemed actually, especially pertinent this week. I had let myself relax a little bit with time management, and with rules. Habits and time management are real important. Also with the bit about the members, thats our barrio. Its sooooo easy to forget those tings, but i need to be more bold, and have more confidence in what I share. Sounds like your doing really well, having a good time. Smile, and keep it up! Eat some ice cream for me!
Dad- Love you a ton, Your a champ! Im going to try going on splits with Juan (will-be member), but he also works almost 24 7 except sundays. We´ll see.
Mom- Love you so much!!! Thanks for the adventure stories and photos! Thanks for all you do, and have done, for me and the kids! I'm trying to stay healthy. thanks for the letters from my friends!
Anna- Happy birthday! Love ya! Good job with track.
Hyrum-Benny-Stevey- Loved your climbing pics!!! You're all awesome!
Love you all, Im excited to recieve some mail from you, and crossing my fingers!
Elder Tasso!
Monday, October 8, 2012
October 8, 2012
Hope you´re all well, as am I! I uploaded some new pictures.
P-days- Well, usually they are pretty hectic- we don´t really rest. Today, as seen in the last 8-10 or so pictures that I uploaded today, we went to Santa Lucia, a Hill in the middle of Santiago. It was pretty cool, and then we went to the Feria, the little shops below, and browsed for a bit. Usually we have some kind of activity, like that, play futbol, or something. Pdays, really are just another day.
Conference was so awesome! I know I never appreciated conference before the mission- honestly I didn´t appreciate a lot of things- but I loved it! And ya, we got to watch it in English, which is good, simply the words mean more to me still. I wish I had my notes with me, but a few that stood out to me, actually you already said! Elder Uchdorfs on simply, finding happiness. I needed to hear that. I beat myself up a lot as a missionary, ha, someof which I deserve, someof which I don't. Also, I DEFINITELY noted the visualization hint as well, which is good, because I really haven´t applied it, I forget simply. Also, how awesome and direct was Elder Oaks, ¨For the Sake of the Children¨ talk??? I bet a lot of people, non mormons especailly this year (the election) watched conference and saw that. It was especially pertinent- and awesome. Also I feel like I gained some eternal perspective, on the importance of really why we´re here, from the words of Presdient Monson. He´s such a boss. I love all of his stories about serving the old people, visiting, going to the hospital, etc, and how always the most important things we do are in the church, are serving and helping people. Conference was awesome- The spirit was there, and I hope that all of us can apply the revelation we recieved. Also, only two of our investigatores made it to conference, Denise and Juanito, but they both felt the spirit very strongly, both recieved answers, and both will be baptized when their dates come. I should get to see Juanito´s, I hope I don´t get transferred before! We also ate lots of cookies and felt sick, ha, such is the conference here.
This morning we gave a blessing to one of our families in the ward- the Familia Barra. They´re awesome, there is 20 of them in the house, (its pretty big), and they´re pretty crazy. In Chile, and this familia is definitely no exception, many times the grandma, the kids, and their kids live in the same house, its tight- literally. Anyway, we visit them a lot, because they really need help. In the past, A couple of the women in the family have been kind of strong and a strength to the family, but still not enough to inspire all of them to action (18ish of 20 are members, but not really active). BUT, we have been reading the LDM in 85 days, as missionaries, and they joined us! 5 of them at least. We have literally seen a miracle with this family. Mylene, one of the moms there, (she has 3 kids, is 27) has been reading, studying, and pondering super diligently, and in just a week we have seen a huge change in her. Mylene and some others came to conference, and heard the talk on how Sacrament meeting is the most important meeting of all (last session sunday), which is perfect for them. Anyway, this family is really changing, and will eventually return to the church strong. The blessing- the Abuelita (grandma) has diabetes and her legs hurt very frequently. We gave her a blessing of comfort this morning, I offered it upon her request. The spirit was really strong, I cried, for the first time in a while. The Lord blessed her that she will be healed according to her diligence to help the family accomplish the little things, the fundamentals- read, and attend church, etc, and according to her faith.
Estefani, and some others are progressing rapidly as well. We found a cool family, thursday??? I think, off a sporadic contact. They´re really awesome, but we haven´t been able to see them since, I´ll try to keep you updated. I really love contacting as a missionary, we didn´t get to do very much these past two weeks, we´ve had a few complications, and we can work harder too, but this week really will be super ballin´. Im excited. Hopefully we get some sun too, it´s been a little cold and very rainy. The weather here is equally sporadic as Utah´s is. Contacting is awesome- I reallly like talking to people, still am not amazing at listening, and still can learn a lot more spanish, but I´ve seen a lot of progression, thanks to the Lord.
Mom- You are a camping ninja- Im pretty sure that tent does not even stand a chance anymore. I love you a million, thanks for all the stories, and the care. During P. Monson´s words about gratitue and expressing thanks, I thought of you and Dad, you´ve done so much to help me be here on the mission, and are really awesome parents. Keep it up!!!!!!! Im sure that at times you feel inadequente or get down, like me, but don´t- in whatever it is. You, Dad, and the fam. are the coolest, and I´m so grateful for everything you´ve done for me, and are doing for Anna, Hyrum, Benny, and Stevey now. Remember when we went to Havasupai and had fun and ate those tacos that weren't that good at that shop in the village? Awesome. And Skiing with my friends? Also awesome.
Dad- 10000 points for you! Equally, thanks for everything. For pushing me to do my best, and to do hard things before my mission- work, school, church, everything. I love the pictures that you send me!
My companion is definitely not the the extreme of Elder Ross, and honestly, and now, I feel like we were missing some important things before with my other companion that I'm now doing wiith Elder Camus, BUT, like you said, we HAVE made excuses, and I know we can work harder and be better missionarys. I can lift and lead by example.
But really, personally, I´ve learned a lot from Elder Camus, see my letter from last week. Every Companero is going to teach you a lot.
Tyler- Your ward sounds ballin´, are you married yet? Send me pics when it happens!!! HA! No, un broma. Thanks for the advice!
Anna- Good job with track! Still super busy eh? And the mission ages?? Pretty sweet. Love ya! You´re still my favorite sister!!!!!!!!

Hyrum!- Thanks for the letter! Tell Benny and Stevey to get their rears in gear and write me too!! Hey we´re all going to have a crazy soccer match when I get home ok??
Benny and Stevey! - Heard about your week from Dad! Still the most athletic awesome bros every! Excited to go skiing in a bit???!
My card still hasn´t come? Hmmm... Bank of AF is always really slow, I remember that from the past. Im not sure they´re the best international bank for this. Also, I still haven´t recieved your package, but I'm crossing my fingers!!!!!
Ps. Send more Pics!
Looking for the best week yet, and the bathroom,
Elder Spencer Tasso
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