Hope you´re all well, as am I! I uploaded some new pictures.
P-days- Well, usually they are pretty hectic- we don´t really rest. Today, as seen in the last 8-10 or so pictures that I uploaded today, we went to Santa Lucia, a Hill in the middle of Santiago. It was pretty cool, and then we went to the Feria, the little shops below, and browsed for a bit. Usually we have some kind of activity, like that, play futbol, or something. Pdays, really are just another day.
Conference was so awesome! I know I never appreciated conference before the mission- honestly I didn´t appreciate a lot of things- but I loved it! And ya, we got to watch it in English, which is good, simply the words mean more to me still. I wish I had my notes with me, but a few that stood out to me, actually you already said! Elder Uchdorfs on simply, finding happiness. I needed to hear that. I beat myself up a lot as a missionary, ha, someof which I deserve, someof which I don't. Also, I DEFINITELY noted the visualization hint as well, which is good, because I really haven´t applied it, I forget simply. Also, how awesome and direct was Elder Oaks, ¨For the Sake of the Children¨ talk??? I bet a lot of people, non mormons especailly this year (the election) watched conference and saw that. It was especially pertinent- and awesome. Also I feel like I gained some eternal perspective, on the importance of really why we´re here, from the words of Presdient Monson. He´s such a boss. I love all of his stories about serving the old people, visiting, going to the hospital, etc, and how always the most important things we do are in the church, are serving and helping people. Conference was awesome- The spirit was there, and I hope that all of us can apply the revelation we recieved. Also, only two of our investigatores made it to conference, Denise and Juanito, but they both felt the spirit very strongly, both recieved answers, and both will be baptized when their dates come. I should get to see Juanito´s, I hope I don´t get transferred before! We also ate lots of cookies and felt sick, ha, such is the conference here.
This morning we gave a blessing to one of our families in the ward- the Familia Barra. They´re awesome, there is 20 of them in the house, (its pretty big), and they´re pretty crazy. In Chile, and this familia is definitely no exception, many times the grandma, the kids, and their kids live in the same house, its tight- literally. Anyway, we visit them a lot, because they really need help. In the past, A couple of the women in the family have been kind of strong and a strength to the family, but still not enough to inspire all of them to action (18ish of 20 are members, but not really active). BUT, we have been reading the LDM in 85 days, as missionaries, and they joined us! 5 of them at least. We have literally seen a miracle with this family. Mylene, one of the moms there, (she has 3 kids, is 27) has been reading, studying, and pondering super diligently, and in just a week we have seen a huge change in her. Mylene and some others came to conference, and heard the talk on how Sacrament meeting is the most important meeting of all (last session sunday), which is perfect for them. Anyway, this family is really changing, and will eventually return to the church strong. The blessing- the Abuelita (grandma) has diabetes and her legs hurt very frequently. We gave her a blessing of comfort this morning, I offered it upon her request. The spirit was really strong, I cried, for the first time in a while. The Lord blessed her that she will be healed according to her diligence to help the family accomplish the little things, the fundamentals- read, and attend church, etc, and according to her faith.
Estefani, and some others are progressing rapidly as well. We found a cool family, thursday??? I think, off a sporadic contact. They´re really awesome, but we haven´t been able to see them since, I´ll try to keep you updated. I really love contacting as a missionary, we didn´t get to do very much these past two weeks, we´ve had a few complications, and we can work harder too, but this week really will be super ballin´. Im excited. Hopefully we get some sun too, it´s been a little cold and very rainy. The weather here is equally sporadic as Utah´s is. Contacting is awesome- I reallly like talking to people, still am not amazing at listening, and still can learn a lot more spanish, but I´ve seen a lot of progression, thanks to the Lord.
Mom- You are a camping ninja- Im pretty sure that tent does not even stand a chance anymore. I love you a million, thanks for all the stories, and the care. During P. Monson´s words about gratitue and expressing thanks, I thought of you and Dad, you´ve done so much to help me be here on the mission, and are really awesome parents. Keep it up!!!!!!! Im sure that at times you feel inadequente or get down, like me, but don´t- in whatever it is. You, Dad, and the fam. are the coolest, and I´m so grateful for everything you´ve done for me, and are doing for Anna, Hyrum, Benny, and Stevey now. Remember when we went to Havasupai and had fun and ate those tacos that weren't that good at that shop in the village? Awesome. And Skiing with my friends? Also awesome.
Dad- 10000 points for you! Equally, thanks for everything. For pushing me to do my best, and to do hard things before my mission- work, school, church, everything. I love the pictures that you send me!
My companion is definitely not the the extreme of Elder Ross, and honestly, and now, I feel like we were missing some important things before with my other companion that I'm now doing wiith Elder Camus, BUT, like you said, we HAVE made excuses, and I know we can work harder and be better missionarys. I can lift and lead by example.
But really, personally, I´ve learned a lot from Elder Camus, see my letter from last week. Every Companero is going to teach you a lot.
Tyler- Your ward sounds ballin´, are you married yet? Send me pics when it happens!!! HA! No, un broma. Thanks for the advice!
Anna- Good job with track! Still super busy eh? And the mission ages?? Pretty sweet. Love ya! You´re still my favorite sister!!!!!!!!

Hyrum!- Thanks for the letter! Tell Benny and Stevey to get their rears in gear and write me too!! Hey we´re all going to have a crazy soccer match when I get home ok??
Benny and Stevey! - Heard about your week from Dad! Still the most athletic awesome bros every! Excited to go skiing in a bit???!
My card still hasn´t come? Hmmm... Bank of AF is always really slow, I remember that from the past. Im not sure they´re the best international bank for this. Also, I still haven´t recieved your package, but I'm crossing my fingers!!!!!
Ps. Send more Pics!
Looking for the best week yet, and the bathroom,
Elder Spencer Tasso
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