Alberto gets 5 points for the good neighbor award. Elder Graham me dice, ¨Want to rest?¨ Honestly, I´m pretty antsy, Not really. But we give it some good nap time, I dream of ears and mouths. God gave me two ears to listen, one mouth to speak. I think he wants me to listen more than speak.
We pray and leave the apartment. Alberto says, ¨These seasons make me feel... a little sad... a little lonely. I saw you guys playing, was going to come over to play, but didn´t want to be a bother. Oh Alberto. Don´t be so bashful. :) He´s the bomb!
"Saturday at church, I felt very very welcomed by all the members, It´s a rare experience that I´ve felt that way before.
Elder Graham and I take the tag team ninja approuch, and Alberto will continue reading and praying. Hug. Prayer? So that Alberto continues to have the desire to read, pray, explore, attend, and get to know.
Elder Jake Hasler gets the tall kid points for the week! Merry christmas to you Elder Tasso, here is my offering of a Pregar Meu Evangelho in Portuegues! Sometimes you just gotta accept something so great like that. Love that kid.
Happy new year! Want to clean the pension with us? No no no, I´M CLEANING THE BATHROOM! Maybe we´ll get in a little Joseph Smith Profet of the Restoration action.
Tuvimos 62 bautismos, esto es un marco histórico de superación. Sepan que ustedes pueden hacer. Con la ayuda del Senor Jesucristo podemos hacer todas las cosas que El juzgue conveniente Moroni 7:33.
God loves us. I am ever trying to put my will in his hands. Accept his correction and change. He love us so much. I testify that Thomas Monson is a prophet seer and revelator of God. I love to listen to his words.
Will you pray for misionary oportunities?
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