Monday, January 21, 2013

January 14, 2013


Well, we really had a great week!

Some things that I really like, that I´ve been applying are the following. Visualation, or in other words,
to picture the person how you want them. With a testimony, in the temple, at church, at the pulpit 
as a leader in the church, with a strong testimony, etc. I testify that It works, I always have a smile on my face
when I picture the people in that way, only the very very best things are going to come out of your mouth in that way, 
and most importantly, I know that the spirit, because of your own faith, has the power to touch the heart of said person. 
Thoughts are powerful, and good thoughts are even more powerful. 

Also, I´ve been pretty good with my goals to 1. Study Preach My Gospel every day. Those details really make a 
big difference. 2. Practice Visualization every day. 3. Memorize scritpure every day. My memory is getting better, 
I really think so! I´ll have a photographic mem. in no time at all, I'm sure of it. 

We had a really powerful lesson with Edith this week. She lives with her almost deaf husband, Renet Elder Manzano 
was in divisions, so it was Elder Gonzalez and I. We taught lesson 1, the spirit was very powerful. She has felt the 
Holy Ghost several times, has attended church, and actually knows that the BOM and the church is true. She just 
lacks the courage to change churches, (Evangelical, to LDS) because she really is comfortable there. Well but do we 
have faith?!! Yes!! We´re going to pass by a couple more times and share more, and invite her firmly to be baptized. 

Also this never happens, but someone in the street came up to us, told us that their uncle was looking for us 
(the mormons-missionaries) and wanted to talk to us! Well we passed by for Patricio, and he´s a member who moved 
recently from Argentina to here. He was baptized 6 months ago, and loves loves loves the church! He had like 3 
callings before, and I know he´s going to help the ward get stronger. It is really awesome to have members who 
really love the gospel, who really are there to share and help you share. We left him with a BOM and some other small
things to give to his family and friends. He lives with his nephues right now, because his family situation is complicated,
who before, were atheist, but are starting to believe more and more in God! 

Also pray, well, Edith, Byron, Fabian, Lidia, The Family Rios and Peña, and everyone else! The whole ward 
and sector of Clara Estrella, that they can give heed to the Holy Ghost! 

Also I want to invite lots more people to be baptized! And believe it, visualize it! I know it will work! I´ve been doing 
it more and more, mostly in contacts in the street. 

Love you all!

ps. I ate a REAL hamburger today for the first time in like 4,5,6,7 months. It way pretty good. And gigantic.
Also a really drunk lady gave me a huge hug in the street 2 days ago. So if i get sent home early thats why. Ha no,
that would be a very sick joke. Don´t fret. 

Elder Tasso

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