Monday, January 21, 2013

January 7, 2013

Hello! This week was awesome!  Miracles that we saw this week! When contacting, we simply asked the people if we could share a blessingwith them in their house. And they said yes. I was in Church sunday, and was frustrated a little bit. The Wards here are definitely different here. We were in Priesthood, and I was frustrated with the lesson, the casualness of the people etc. But instead of focusing on that, I picked something that I really valued about the ward, and shared that with them. It´s def. not as easy to be a member or parent here in Chile. I told them I was proud of the way they raised their kids, supported their callings and the ward, and helped the missionaries, and that they are the light here in Chile. As I said these things, I was filled with the spirit. It was amazing, so simply, focus and emphasize the good. Not so groundbreaking, eh? Also, friday, we had gone running, we had already walked seriously 50 miles, and were going to to play futbol with the ward-investigators-and young men that night. I prayed to God that 1. He would give me strength to Keep going, and run to the field (we were already late) and 2. That he would bless us with the opp. to take full advangtage of this time as missionaries, and not just waste playing a good game of futbol. He did. We started to run to arrive on time, I was tired, but kept going and gained strenght AS I ran. Also, on the way,there were two other groups of young men playing already in the street. We stopped, and invited them to come. One group came, and we had a wonderful opp. to share with them the gospel, and we´re going to pass by their house again and share more.  Also, with respect to Fabian and Lidia, we had a lesson with them, and turned out that they met members from close by already. Well it was the perfect lesson with members, (although they weren´t in our ward). They shared their testimonies, and the spirit was very very strong.  I know that this church is true. I know that Jesus IS our savior, and through him only, we can be saved. I know that God is our father. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith was a profet and Thomas S. Monson is in present day.  God strengthens us as we press forward with faith through our trials, with a smile.  Dad, thanks so much for your comments, help mom and the fam. apply them as well. Eh mom?? I love you all, thanks so much for the pictures. Benny, Anna, Hyrum, Stevey your the bestestestestestes!!! est! Have fun with your green trike, with school,with your go pro, and take it one day at a time!Enjoy your life! 3 Nephi 13-22.  Un brazo,  Elder Tasso! 

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