Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 15, 2013

Dearest Famy Fam! 

This week we ate lunch with a member family. I suppose that´s pretty common ha. At times,    it´s all too easy to see the bad, to see the imperfections that plague us all, to see what THEY lack, or to see what WE lack. Lame, right? Well, during lunch, we had the opportunity to steer the conversation away from what we don´t do, or don´t have, etc. and Elder Tait and I we able to say ¨Hey! Lets give 5 compliments, every single one, to eachother right now!¨ It was a true blessing to see the change that occured, and I know that It blessed that family's life. The mother, Marcela, after and during, looked like she was going to cry, I think for relief! Ha, twas' a good experience. Compared to the savior, we all too imperfect, but through his grace, mercy, and love, when can be forgiven. Continuesly, in Conferences passed, there have been several references to seeing the world, members, families, people, investigators, etc. not as they are, but how God sees them, how they can become. Ether 12:4 Moroni 10:32-33

Kyle and Natalia had their baptismal interviews yesterday, sunday! They both passed, and are preparing to be baptized Saturday the 20th at 8:00, and confirmed the next day. You´re all invited! Be there! We´re going to apply a very nifty fancy pants idea called ¨the box¨ that will help them focus on the fundamentals, and on the savior. The ward is truly doing a terrific job of befriending them, and they will be very well taken care of! We are seeing miracles, recieving many references, through converting those who will convert those, who will convert those, who will convert those. etc. 

We found an excellent new investigator this past week, Jean Paul. He´s 25+-, and studying, and a lot of fun to talk to because he´s pretty intelligent. He Studies mathematics. We´ve only met with him twice, but to the degree we involve the ward in his conversion, he too will be baptized. Saturday, before we met with him, on the way to his house, there was a whole band of 10-14 year old kids, with their bikes and such. I had a bunch of stickers that i carried around with me in my Book of Mormon, and we gave them all like 3 pass alongs each, and lots of stickers, with catch phrases such as¨bien!¨or ¨Bravo!¨etc. We felt like Jesus, as we were flocked by little children. 

We´re changing houses today, and our ward, Clara Estrella, will have 2 more missionaros the 24th! Should be exciting! 

As a mission, we´re going to the temple May 14th.

Please continue praying for Elder Tait, Lythgoe, Mortensen, Tlatelpa, Crider- Natalia and Kyle, Jean Paul, Adline, Orlando, Lo Espejo, Clara Estrella, El Llano, and the world! 

Which was your favortie conference talk?! Why?

Love you all! 

Elder Tasso! 

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