Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14, 2014

Hola! Sorry everyone, Elder Tasso's "emails" for the past few months have been recordings... but here are some pictures.  

Spencer returns home from Santiago, Chile this Tuesday, June 17!! He will be speaking Sunday, June 22, at 9:00 am in our church building:  98 East Canyon Crest Road ALPINE, UTAH 84004. For those of you familiar with the area it is the church right next to the round-about at the end of the Alpine Highway. Feel free to come and say hi, I know he would love to see you all!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

March 31, 2014

Èsta semana fue notoria, espectacular, y enfocada, a la vez!

Primeras cosas primeras, ¿no? Elizabeth y Micaela se bautizaron! Felicitaciones a ellos, nuestras amigas buenas de la tierra buena de Bolivia. Se sepultaron en el agua juntamente el día Sábado por la tarde, un poco después de las 8:00 de la tarde, y se confirmaron, tornándose puros, limpios, nacidos de nuevo, ayer con el Obispado. 
La lucha sigue: ¿Cuan verdad es? Es preciso que haya una oposición en todas las cosas? Aun buscan una casa, un lugar de residencia. Sé que Dios nos guía como misioneros. Nos guió ayer en la calle, caminando en camino a `Randy` un joven menos activo. En la calle, nos encontramos con ellos, con sus cosas en la calle. 

¿Orarán para que se encuentre una casa por los Bolivianos?, según la voluntad del Padre, claro;)

El día jueves, fue muy... animado, loco, etc :) Iba a ser el día de su entrevista, ellos yendo a la capilla. PERO, no pudieron ir Allí porque estaban buscando una casa. Habían personas en la capilla patinando (rollerblading, yes!) en la capilla, y nosotros fuimos las únicas personas allí. Tuvimos que quedar para vigilar! Bueno por fin llegar los otros misioneros, y pudimos salir a ayudar en la búsqueda por una casa por ellos. 
Estábamos buscando, miraros al reloj, y pensamos, poocha son las 10:30 tenemos que marcharnos! Fuimos corriendo arriba de las escalaras....... el ascensor no vino...... jaja.... Y llegamos bien a la pensión. Pero, allí miramos al reloj, y fue las 9:30. Llegamos una hora temprano en esfuerzo a ser obediente con exactitud, jajaja. 

Elizabeth y Micaela consiguen los puntos por limpiando. Miércoles, ellos fueron a la capilla y empezaron a limpiar la capilla misma, con sus jumpers, con sus poleras. Después les mostramos el closet de limpieza. Son muy muy buenas ellas. Muy humildes. 

Sé que Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial, sé que el LdM es verdadero. Sé con todo mi corazón, que Thomas S. Monson es un profeta de Dios, y estoy tan tan animado por la conferencia general! Acabo de descargar TODOS los discursos de la conferencia 2013 Oct. Sé que un testimonio puro lleva poder. Me comprometo a compartir lo mio con 10+ personas cada día. Llega al corazòn no? Ilumina el mundo, y uno mismo. 

Les amo!:)

Elder Tasso

Oren, y encuentran

March 24, 2014 The Lord is Great!

Les quiero a todos! Yo sé que el LdM es verdadero, sé que Jesucristo es mi salvador, sé que todos somos hijos de un Dios amoroso, todo poderoso, Doy gracias por el sacerdocio que se restauró en la tierra, Doy gracias por un compañero que ama a Dios y al Ldm aquí en la misión, doy gracias por que Dios me ha permitido ser misionero, administrar a sus hijos aquí en Chile, y Doy gracias por mi Salvador que me ayuda a limpiarme de juicio, de ansiedad, de enojo, y remplazarlo con Amor. 

Elder Tasso

Sé que Cristo vive, que nos ama, que el compartiar el Evangelio es algo hermoso! 


The Gospel Blesses Families

The restored gospel blesses and helps husbands and wives, parents and children as they strive to develop stronger relationships and spiritual strength in their families. These blessings are available now and in eternity. The gospel of Jesus Christ provides help with current concerns and challenges.
Because families are ordained of God, they are the most important social unit in time and in eternity. God has established families to bring happiness to His children, allow them to learn correct principles in a loving atmosphere, and prepare them for eternal life. The home is the best place to teach, learn, and apply principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A home established on gospel principles will be a place of refuge and safety. It will be a place where the Spirit of the Lord can abide, blessing familymembers with peace, joy, and happiness. Through prophets in every age, including our own, God has revealed His plan of happiness for individuals and families.
Elder Tasso

March 17, 2014

Dearest family,

"...Profetizo que en Chile habrá más hombres que honren su sacerdocio
y que la Iglesia, como lo ha hecho en el pasado, descansará en los
hombros de hombres firmes. Veo que habrá más mujeres que serán anclas
y protectoras de sus hogares y más niños enseñados a orar antes de
hablar y a amar las escrituras antes de aprender a leer, que cumplirán
más misiones y que llegarán a sellarse en el templo.
Veo ciento miles de chilenos uniéndose a la Iglesia, pero
permaneciendo activos en ella y profetizo que Chile será una faro para
la Iglesia en Sudamérica y en todo el mundo. Si somos fieles esa será
la visión de todos, entonces no habrá limitaciones."

"I profesy that en Chile there will be more men that honor their
preisthood, and that the church, like it has done in the past, will
rest over the shoulders of strong men. I see the day that there will
be more women that will be ancors and protectos of their homes, and
more children taught to pray, before speaking, and to love the
scriputres before reading, and that will complete more misiones and
will achieve sealing in the temple.
I see that hundreds of milliones of Chileans will join the chruch,
remaining acitve in it and I profesy that Chile will be a lighthouse,
a beacon for the church in South America and the entire world! If we
are faithful, this vision will be a vision of everyone, and there will
be no limitations!"

Don´t fret. My Watch is green and my tie has a stripe of green!
I love the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I spoke on
Sunday in church on that same subject! I feel a lot of love for the
Chileans, for the good members here. Yesterday we went out in
divisiones with a more fruitful bunch of young men! Jorshy knew quite
a few people, and we ended up finding Cesar! Cesar has a lot of real
intent, and between work Monday through Saturday, he´ll continue to
come to church.

Nino and the rest of the Suazo family are oh so good! Nino is quiet,
not saying TOO much ever, but firm and a good ancor for his family.
Elizabeth could be labeled as the same, but as the women figure, and
oh so charitble! With what they DO have, they´ve made us dinner
several times now! They all progress well towards baptism this coming
Saturday! I´m grateful for their example of Humility, of obedience, of

Their same neighbors, Juan and Edwin, Bolivians, came to church, felt
the spirit, enjoyed it! ¨Aprendimos orar, aprendimos del
arrepintimiento, aprendimos de la restauración, gracias élderes por
invitarnos, estaremos allí la proxima semana! ¨
Edwin será un converso poderoso. Ahora que cree mucho, pero con el
tiempo esas raizes de duda, creciendo de semillas de duda serán
arboles de fe.

I love the Prophets and their words, that give us light and comfort! I
testify, that the Holy ghost does guide and iluminate us, as we
progress with faith, word for word, step by step.
I love listening to their words, late in the night, lately I´ve been
falling asleep, with my small speaker ¨debemos compartilhar o
evangelhio como tudo mundo...¨ in my ear:)

Thank you! I recieved the letters from our loving alpine 5th ward!
They brought comfort and strenght to me, knowing that there is an army
of faithful servants out there!

Today was rather exilerating. I give thanks for the scriptures, for
the Book of Mormon! I love starting my days, early drinking deeply
from that book.
I´m grateful for diversity, here in Republica, today we spoke with
people from China, India, Chile, Columbia, FROM ALL OVER, all mientras
buying Ponchos and New Nikes (Pops, is that okay? I spent $75+-)

Dearest father and Hyrum, I was in divisiones, Wednesday, AND as we
walk into the home of a family, lo and behold they were watching the
Manchester City- Barcelona game! I laughed, thinking that you are
there, IN PERSON witnessing such majesity! Very cool:)

Tyler! Feliz cumpleaños Miercoles! Que disfrute, que sea AUN mas
sabio! Gracias por ser mi Hermano! ¿Leerá el Libro de Mormón en
Español?! Para que nos comuniquemos aquí en Chi Chi Chile y Peru con

Billy Musselman, do you want to live at BYU with me?

I love you all,

Elder Tasso!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 10, 2014 2.0!

I know that God lives and loves us! I know that he guides us to his lost sheep! I know that as we open our mouths and speak miracles or mumbling words, the spirit guides them to the hearts of those around us. I know that Christ is healing, happiness, laughing, hard work, and smiles. 
I know he is the Son of God, my Savior and redeemer. I know as we share these things, our world transforms! I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and overcame much adverstiy! I know the BoM IS oh so true. I know that as I follow my leaders, we see miracles and in the way my Heavenly Father wants. Wow! Hey! Golly! I commit to doing it! I commit to sharing the Restoration with 13+ people every day. 

Will you share those things with those around you? Friends, family, collegues, etc.? I promise you, in the name of Jesus Christ that your world will transform, and you will feel happy!:))) Haaaaa, it just worked for me! 

Love you all! 

Elder Tasso:)

March 3, 2014 Hey there!

Hey there family and friends!

Nevertheless aHelaman did fill the judgment-seat with justice and equity; yea, he did observe to keep the statutes, and the judgments, and the commandments of God; and he did do that which was right in the sight of God continually; and he did walk after the ways of his father, insomuch that he did prosper in the land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its early in the morning Friday (I do belive). We walk in from ejercicios on the roof. I open the door to take out the trash, and find Oscar! ¨Hey Oscar, will you come to church with us Sunday?¨ Ya, Id love to, I dont see why not... and he did. The sisters will be teaching him. I testify that God has many prepared children there waiting for an invitacion, and I love to invite them to church!

We get a call from Sister Mora! Hey Elderes, howdy, how´s it going?! Well Paulo, my husband wants to get baptized.¨ ¨Okay, right on, we´ll be sure to help him out with that!¨ Yesterday, over a seafood soup that was REALLY delicious, we spoke of the atonement with Paulo. He has a strong strong desire to change, to overcome his addicions. I´m ever so grateful for the atonement, and for repentence. I know that repentence brings happiness, widens smiles, relieves burdens, and makes us stronger. I´m grateful for Preisthood leaders that support their wards, for Bishop Crossley, Presidente Butler, for President Barreiros, Bustos, and Bishop Cabero.

Last night we were waiting for a FhE with Nino, Elizabeth, and Micaela, with the Sanhueza family. I´m grateful for them! Nefi´s mom makes pretty darn good pizza. As we waited I felt the impression to talk with the neighbors. Well, long story short, the Lord led us to Juan, Ana, Liz, and Edwin. I testify that God has many prepared children. I testify that many people ARE  looking for the truth!

Yesterday in Church, I was watching a little boy, shouting and dancing in the back of the church, with a banana on his head, shaking his behind:) It made me laugh and think of the good times we enjoyed togethor family at chruch:) I then spoke with his dad, he´s starting an outdoors- adventure- camera type business here in chile, and has a few questions for you Mom and Dad. Will you shoot him an email? You could say ¨Hey how can we help you, We´re Elder Tasso{s parents!¨

I´m grateful for the atonement. For the opportunity to repair brusied or broken relationships! I testify that time, effort, serivce, and admitting that sometimes we just do dumb things help! hahaha:)
I know that my Heavenly father lives, I love you all! Thanks for everything! Your smiles are contagious!
Elder Tasso

February 24, 2014 Yes!

Dearest Fam. How I love you. 

I´m grateful for divisiones! ¨Souround yourself with greatness,¨ am I right? We got to go out with President Barrerios Thursday. With Maricielo, he played with her wee little daughter, Sarié most of the time! ¨And so Joseph Smith then prayed to God and in his own words he said...¨ 
Background: Ooooooo you are so cute, tickle tickle tickle!!! 
He then bore his testimony, and oh what power, oh what awe. Good times good times, and left a powerful blessing over their family and home. I´m grateful for Pres. Barrerios and Portueguese!

Know what? In my blessing, my setting apart it talks about ¨looking for Lehi´s posterity?¨ Now what could that mean, by golly nothing more nothing less than looking for the humility in the eyes, the willingness to listen and learn, to change of many of the good ¨lamanites here¨. We also teach a lot of Chileans, who generally are Gentiles, right? William, miracle, golden man. But many peruvians, columbians, Bolivians are more willing to listen than others. We´ll seek out those who will listen! I´m grateful for the posterity of Lehi, that willingly change and listen:) 

Grandparents! Grandparents, Jim, Susie, Robert, and Debbie! Could you send me some literature on your lives perchance? Where you were born? When? How´d you come to know of the Book of Mormon? Who emigrated, and from where? 
I recognize that you´ve shared these beloved stories with me before, but I was moved by a talik given the other day! Thank you for being pioneers, thank you for everying! 

I love you all! 

Elder Tasso!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 17, 2014 This week!

I´m grateful for the restoration, and for baptimsial invitactiones. We contacted Maricielo in the street thursday! We passed by and shared with her family a few days later! They all came to church, and loved it! It was a real miracle. They acpted baptismal dates for the 22 of March, and are looking for housing! If you know of something, let us know! I feel grateful, realived as we fulfill our purpose, as we invite as many as we can to know the truth, to be baptised, to give a referall, to do their hometeaching, etc.:) 

Church was fun, this ward is big and moves! We did ¨spiritual corners, which were fun sunday! It was good to be in divisiones with Luis, with Jerson, Mosiah, and Willington! We contacted Miriam and some other Children of God. She knows the church, her family is member, never got around to baptism! 

I´m grateful for Elder Mattinson. I look at him and I think of my brother Tyler Tasso! Haha,  Not always but they´re pretty similar I´d say! They´ve got similar forms to act, anyways, I think Heavenly Father´s a pretty funny guy, and I´m grateful for this remimder of my Brother.

Dad, sunday we had a great class in Elder´s Quorum by Cristian, about the family, being moral, a father, a leader etc. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks for supporting me in my mision, for pushing us as kids, thanks for magnifying your callings. I always thought it was cool how you play, and played the piano in primaria, in church etc! 

Benny how´s soccer going?? Hyrum How tall are you now! I got your ninja photos! I love you guys! Estudiarán un poco de español para hablar cuando lleguen aquí??:)! 

I testify that God is our loving heavenly father. He knows my situacion, my desires here in Republica! He knows me and Elder Mattinson, our strengths and weaknesses. I love you all! Check the audio family! 

Famlily, will you read the BoM in spanish?! I testify that God, WILL help you learn, with the gift of tongues, and you´ll be able to speak a little here! 

Elder Tasso

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 11, 2014 Fotos!

20 Then Job arose, and arent his mantle, and shaved his head,and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped. 

Now I´m found in Republica, that is to say, In college town, in the heart of Santiago! I´m grateful for its urban, tall, with ranging skyscrapers. Elder Mattinson and I, we wake up to the lulling sounds of heavy machinary, trucks, cars, and buses outside. I feel rather... luxurious in this new envirnment of nice apartments and clean streets. Truly I´m grateful for the opportuntiy to be here.

I´m grateful for Carlos, the man in this ciber who wants us to come over to his house, simply because we spoke with him. I´m grateful for Luis, in the street yesterday, who had attented the LIAHONA school 20 years ago, knows the book of Mormon is true, but never got around to his baptism. I´m grateful that he´ll have that opportunity now:)
Thank you for Elder Mattinson, yes sir, that is to say the one and only, the same from the MTC in Provo town Utah! This morning we arose jumping rope on the roof tops of our apartment, to witness a 360' view of beautiful city sourounding us. The rays of the brilliant sun peak over the mountain tops, shining their brilliant light down upon, the inhabitants here. 

I´m grateful for Republica! For Nefi, for Eder, for Fiorela, for the diversity that is found here! With a nice diversity of Chileans, Brazilians, Peruvians, Columbians, El Salvadoranians, Bolivians, etc. I´m grateful that I can meet many new people, cultures and experiences. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 3, 2014 Guten Tag!


O God, awhere art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy bhiding place?
 aHow long shall thy hand be stayed, and thine eye, yea thy pure eye, behold from the eternal heavens the wrongs of thy people and of thy servants, and thine ear be penetrated with their cries?

Yesterday we were walking to a FhE, Valentina and Esteben couldn´t come, we prayed saying, ¨Heavenly Father, thank you for misionary opportunities,¨ looking over, we note Ricardo. Walking over to him we begin to talk, he accepts the invitation to listen to the gospel, and lo and behold we found Ana and Ricardo! I testify that our Heavenly Father is grateful, when WE find solutions, sharing the gospel, we seemingly failed situations! 

Ha, Tyler you told me that -/+ 9% of communication is verbal, 35% tone of voice, and 56% body expresion. I think that applies to prayer as well. I´ve felt more power in my prayers, and they are ever more powerful, as I commit to really speaking with my Heavenly Father as fervorous as I may. Yes I think that hand motions MIGHT be approiate here. 

Karina came to church yesterday! We´re ever so grateful for her example. Flor will BE coming to church, she reads, prays, God blessed her husband with Work, tis a blessing, is it not? Fingers crossed and Hearts hoping, prayers raised to God for her baptism the 22nd! Will you pray for Flor Calderon??;) I´ve felt YOUR prayers, and know of their power, of their strength. I know that they will help this family make the change, applying the beauty of the Gospel. 

41 No apower or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the bpriesthood, only by cpersuasion, by dlong-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;

I´m grateful for your prayers, your examples, your testimonies. God lives, loves us, watches me, laughs and cries with me. When my feet hurt he gives me that extra boost to keep going. When the rejection hurts he fuels my 

I love you all, more than the gunfire, heard from the video games heard here! 

Elder Tasso

January 27, 2014

Heavenly Father,

Thanks for that miracle yesterday. We contacted Valentina and Esteban again, our neighbors, in the park. ¨Want to come to a FhE tomorrow with Presidente Coloma?¨ She replies, ¨Wow! Last night, I dreamt that I entered in that house, that my uncles were there (them, I don´t know), and that there was a big group of people! Yes we´ll be there!¨ This was a tender mercy from thee, thanks! In the last 20 minutos of the day we contacted them, and found Nicolas. I´m not sure if I´ve EVER taught a whole lesson in English until him! He lived in Boulder, Colorado, and Bend, Oregon. Climbs rocks. Likes to camp. etc. He´s pretty nifty, the English flowed pretty well!:)

I´ve learned a lot from inviting the Primary kids, and deacons to come with us to lessons (with permision from their parents, very very important, that mistake will not be made again:). In the streets with Lucas, Issac, Tomas, etc. Are they my little brothers, Hyrum, stevey???? Or little balls of energy, that contact with us? We´re in a lesson with Patricia and her son Vicente. Lucas shares his testimony, ¨I read the Book of Mormon with pictures, then I prayed.... to God.... and I felt.... good inside, like really good.¨ Who can contend with that??!:) They are also prone to whip out pistols and guns, or play machine gun in the street, haha. Tomas has a lot of faith, we set a goal to invite 5 people to a FhE, he did 7,8,9 invitacions in 5 minutes:)

Now this is not all; little bchildren dohave words given unto them many times, which cconfound thewise and the learned.

Thank you that Elder Graham could baptize Miguel (from Sisters Arzola and Periera)! Miguel's testimony made me feel the desire to continue iniviting everyone! I know that so many want to believe, but it´s hard. Even at times I feel that their words betray what they know! Inside of them, there is a light of Christ that says, ¨this is good, this is REAL, this is true...¨ They might say for now, but I know, there are so many that want to believe, that will believe, I commit to continue invitando with patience and love! 

We commit to keep inviting Flor! We´ve been obediente and working hard, but dry for baptisms in January. We´re going to help her for her date the 22 of Feb., and go to church instead of the street market. Will you help us out with baptisms in Feb? We´ll pray with everything we´ve got:)

Thanks Father for the package from my dear dear family and mother. I loved reading the letters from my friends and family! And eat salmon!

I love you so much, and my family and friends! I know Christ is my savior, my perfect example and thy son! Thank you for you mercy.

Elder Tasso

Family: Love you lots! Thanks for everything you do! All of you! love you a ton, thanks for your prayers I FEEL them right now and every week!:)